Open: Mo-Fr 9-17; Sat 9-12

PDR Online Price Calculator

Using the online calculator, you can roughly calculate the expected labor fee for a dent repair. The calculator calculates with the BVAT (Bundesverband für Ausbeultechnik) system, which is also used by European insurance companies, which is primarily based on the location, size and quantity of dents. The final amount received is an approximate price, which may differ both positively and negatively during the inspection carried out in the specialist workshop.

Using the online calculator:

1.  Click on the icon shown below

2.  Select the damaged item from the list

3.  Select the amount of dents from the drop-down menu

4.  Select the average diameter of the dents from the drop-down menu


2151 Fót, Madách Imre str. 16/A

PHONE:  +36 30 881 7180


Monday - Friday   9.00 - 17.00

Saturday                9.00 - 12.00

(Please call before coming)

Sunday                   CLOSED

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